
Friday, April 17, 2009

Rainy Day Deer

Our Spring storm has so far dumped more rain and slush than snow, but that will likely change overnight! I caught these deer in my backyard around 6 p.m. enjoying a soggy evening romp. Usually I only have six deer, but this time I counted eight!


Baroness Bijoutery said...

You are so lucky, how nice to be able to look out you windows and see those beautiful White Tail Deer..

Jennifer Stotz Murphy said...

So wonderful to have wildlife in the backyard. Are those white tail or mule deer? We get coyotes roaming through our neighborhood periodically--don't really want to encourage them to hang around though.

Boutique By Bonnie said...

These are indeed Mule Deer, and we never did our snow here. It just stayed wet.